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  • Deciding which Med School

    Posted on May 11th, 2005 dabao No comments

    This weekend, I attended Visiting Days at Dartmouth Med School. I met with incoming and current students, faculty and administrators and even looked at some properties to buy.

    Today, as I depart DMS (I am now in Narita in transit on my way home for two weeks), I have decided to attend DMS. I suppose you could say that they sold me on the school but part of me also feels like it was forgone conclusion. This school really fits me well.

    Its appropriate then that I explained the Chinese word ‘yuan’ or fate/destiny to Deo this weekend as we were sitting down to a meal together. Is it fate that the first student host I contacted was busy that weekend and I got to live with and get to know Deo back in October? Was it Yuan that I interviewed with the Chairman of the Admissions Committee who recognized my achievements in business instead of holding my non-medical background against me? Was it fate that I had a great conversation this weekend with the former Dean of DMS who incidentally was stationed in Taiwan in 1955 as an Army doc and urges me to get involved in US-China affairs?

    I don’t suppose it always works out this way for all pre-meds, but somehow I think choosing DMS was yuan fen.