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  • Where everyone knows ur name

    Posted on March 31st, 2010 dabao No comments

    Jess put it pretty well describing her “happy place” of the future. I think similarly, I have finally figured out why NYC is just not for me. I find the impersonal aspect of it a bit daunting and cold. I think I prefer a city with a bit more warmth in it’s atmosphere and it’s people and while anonymity can be liberating. I far prefer to replicate the happy safe place of my childhood in some place I would call “home” than anything else. Take care of my inner child and all that jazz.

  • Don’t shoot the messenger!

    Posted on March 14th, 2010 dabao No comments

    I inserted myself (as I have a tendency to do) in the middle of a two folks who had a disagreement with each other. Note to self: Don’t do this in the future, people tend to shoot the messenger!
    In this case, though I think both appreciated this and actually welcomed my interjection. In the process, I learned something about both people’s reputations. More importantly, I learned how important reputation is, how fast rumors travel and how as you develop a history, you travel with that history wherever you go. Success in life is often about pleasing the herd. One mishap in your past can easily spook the herd and lead a stampede away from you.

  • Texture of the day

    Posted on March 13th, 2010 dabao No comments

    I recently had a nice conversation with Krishna, a fellow MD/MBA who had a wonderful saying which I thought worthy of writing down. He said that far more important than specific goals or accomplishments was the “texture of the day”. Similarly I have found the most fulfilling days have been ones where I have been able to learn something new, feel a part of building something exciting, feel helped or helpful to someone else, and most importantly feel connected with people and loved.