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  • Capetown Geography 101

    Posted on June 3rd, 2005 dabao No comments

    The geography of this city says a lot about its history and character. Right next to the airport in the eastern part of the city, there are several formerly “coloured townships” which are segmented into square residential communities by four uncrossable highways. Vanguard Estates is where I am staying. Vanguard is just one of the townships that makes up the Capetown Flats. These townships are the result of Apartheid policies which resettled people by ethnicity and discouraged interaction between communities. Just to our east are the wine estates. Can’t wait to go wine tasting!

    To our northwest is the Table Mountain which is like a flat topped mountain (it really does look like a table). Lately the clouds have covered the top but I am told it is beautiful during the summer time (December, January is summer here). Past Table Mountain is the waterfront and city centre which looks, feels and is exactly like a modern European city. The waterfront area has several posh malls and touristy things like sidewalk cafes movie theaters, etc.

    Transportation is going to be the key issue here. Between the townships and the City centre, it is about 20km of highway. Since the minibus taxis are not safe, the only means of transport is really private cars . . . I think I am going to try to learn how to drive stick shift and on the other side of the road so I can have some more freedom to move around.

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