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  • Helping people

    Posted on June 7th, 2005 dabao No comments

    I sat in an HIV positive support group today for pregnant mothers with HIV. The six women who were there lived in the African townships of Langa, Kayelitsha etc and were unemployed, unmarried and often could not disclose to anyone about their disease for fear of social stigma. They are yet probably the lucky ones who have the courage and access to treatment. Despite the fact that access to care is free for these mothers, they are all unemployed and have no other income generating income. This seems to me the prime target market for microfinance borrowers. The conversation was in Xhosa (an African language involving clicks), the people were real, the Xhosa/English social worker was truly trustworthy and capable, and somehow I really felt that I have finally met today those who I am intended to help.

    Simultaneously, I received an intro email from someone at DMS who is introducing me to someone doing microfinance here. Hopefully, I can actually help some people start income generating activities while I am here.