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  • Whirlwind trip to SF then Hanover

    Posted on July 30th, 2005 dabao No comments

    The next two weeks are going to fly by.

    I leave SA on Tuesday, arriving around noon on Wednesday in SF and leaving around noon on Sunday. Between debriefing at CFHI, shipping my stuff and saying goodbyes I’ve got a pretty full plate.

    After I leave SF , arrive at DMS in time to pick up my parents then attend orientation the next morning for a week. Entertaining, buying furniture and a car and settling in will take up that week easily. Then my family and I will probably take a short trip that weekend before I start class on Monday Aug 15. Whew! Better rest up in SA.

  • Goodbye South Africa

    Posted on July 28th, 2005 dabao No comments

    Wow, can’t believe I am leaving so soon. Its really been a blur these last two months and I still feel I have so much left to do.

    Its interesting seeing people’s reactions to coming/going from a place, hellos/goodbyes. One of our June students who has been with us since about the time I got here just left amidst tears, melodramatic goodbyes, etc. I doubt I will feel the same way when I leave. What I am not sure of is why I don’t feel too much emotional attachment here despite the experience I’ve had and the people I’ve met.
    Have I become so jaded from traveling around the world and meeting people that I cannot form deep emotional attachments anymore? Or maybe I am just a spoiled, rich kid who assumes that I can always fly back to any place as I wish?

    My approach to traveling: I see myself walking my own path in life, at different times and in different places, I will cross paths with people and form connections with them. We may walk together for a time or go our separate ways. Either way, I treasure the time we have together. If we see each other again great, if not I wish you well on your journey.

    The Internet helps but it too has its limits. We shall see, I have two goodbyes coming up: one for Capetown and another for San Francisco.

  • Pictures from Lesotho/Durban

    Posted on July 22nd, 2005 dabao No comments

    New pictures from my weekend trip!


    The Drakensberg mountains on the way to the Sani Pass


    Having a Maluti (Lesotho beer) at the highest pub in southern Africa


    Taking pictures with kids we met from Lesotho at St. James Missionary.


    Mr. Moshoeshoe and his home in Lesotho


    The rows of tricked out minibus taxis in the streets of Durban


    The dirt roads and mud houses of Umlazi (a poor township near Durban) and interviewing microfinance clients and their microbusinesses


    The view of Umlazi, rows upon rows of poverty


    The view from my hotel room in Durban on the beachfront, white sandy beaches and frothy surf breaking on the shores. Money = Happiness right?

  • My Goal (for now)

    Posted on July 13th, 2005 dabao No comments

    Dartmouth asked me to describe my goals and dreams for the future for advising purposes so I suppose I will take an excerpt out from my response:

    I saw a woman today who was suffering: eyes bulging out of their sockets, body emaciated, legs so weak she could not stand. Although we went through the motions of an HIV test, we did not have to look at her chart to know the result: she was HIV positive.

    I decided to become a physician in order to equip myself with the tools to help patients like this. However, the experience of watching patients die in South Africa this summer has taught me that even as a physician, I will lack the tools to treat the underlying causes of disease: unemployment, poverty, malnutrition, drugs, violence, conflict.

    My ambition is to find ways to treat both socioeconomic ills as well as the diseases afflicting the poor and sick. Currently, I would like to start my own organization providing health care and micro-loans to the poor and sick. This organization would have both a clinical and social objective. Clinically, it would aim to improve the health outcome of HIV positive patients by increasing access to ARV drugs and health counseling in under-resourced communities. Socially, it would help the poorest of these patients generate income through micro-loans. These two objectives would reinforce one another, for instance the loans would make provision of drugs sustainable as the patients would make contributions from their interest payments to the cost of drugs. It would also create economic incentive for the patients to remain healthy and productive. Ultimately, the goal of this clinic would be to show poor people that they can take charge of their own health and lives and that they do not need to depend on government handouts.

    The point of this exercise is to be idealistic of course and I am sure this will change as time goes on but for now, I think its a pretty good target to shoot for. Now if I could just make money doing it . . . :)


    Posted on July 9th, 2005 dabao No comments

    Last week, the June CFHI group left but not before they fed the students. Of course, the esteemed Alumni Fellow was also invited to some of these meals. Here are some highlights


    Rooibos tea with Mark at the Noordiens, and yes the men get served here first!


    Snoek braai by Mr. Snyders! He loves snoek!


    and the table was set for the feast . . . First course: snoek braai with honey sauce, avocado and pineapple salad and three kinds of bread


    Second course: Rooti with lentil curry


    Dessert: a divine apple turnover!


    Me still eating . . .

  • So much to do in so little time . . .

    Posted on July 8th, 2005 dabao No comments

    Man, I can’t believe that I am leaving Africa in a little over 3 weeks. It feels like I have been here forever and not at all. Since the last group, I have decided that I have seen enough tourist things and it will be time to get out to the communities and learn as much as I can about their developmental needs.

    Today, spent some time digging around to find the right contact for microfinance here in the Western Cape. Another lead, another name but so far still no actionable activity. However, I did make a useful public health contact at the University of Capetown who would be very useful should I decide to come back to do research sometime in the future.

    I will probably going to Durban in the Eastern part of the country next week to do some traveling and visit FINCA, a microfinance network whose founder I met in Berkeley.

    Note to self: Somewhere in the next two weeks, I also have to budget myself some time to just sit and relax . . .