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  • So much to do in so little time . . .

    Posted on July 8th, 2005 dabao No comments

    Man, I can’t believe that I am leaving Africa in a little over 3 weeks. It feels like I have been here forever and not at all. Since the last group, I have decided that I have seen enough tourist things and it will be time to get out to the communities and learn as much as I can about their developmental needs.

    Today, spent some time digging around to find the right contact for microfinance here in the Western Cape. Another lead, another name but so far still no actionable activity. However, I did make a useful public health contact at the University of Capetown who would be very useful should I decide to come back to do research sometime in the future.

    I will probably going to Durban in the Eastern part of the country next week to do some traveling and visit FINCA, a microfinance network whose founder I met in Berkeley.

    Note to self: Somewhere in the next two weeks, I also have to budget myself some time to just sit and relax . . .

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