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  • Goodbye South Africa

    Posted on July 28th, 2005 dabao No comments

    Wow, can’t believe I am leaving so soon. Its really been a blur these last two months and I still feel I have so much left to do.

    Its interesting seeing people’s reactions to coming/going from a place, hellos/goodbyes. One of our June students who has been with us since about the time I got here just left amidst tears, melodramatic goodbyes, etc. I doubt I will feel the same way when I leave. What I am not sure of is why I don’t feel too much emotional attachment here despite the experience I’ve had and the people I’ve met.
    Have I become so jaded from traveling around the world and meeting people that I cannot form deep emotional attachments anymore? Or maybe I am just a spoiled, rich kid who assumes that I can always fly back to any place as I wish?

    My approach to traveling: I see myself walking my own path in life, at different times and in different places, I will cross paths with people and form connections with them. We may walk together for a time or go our separate ways. Either way, I treasure the time we have together. If we see each other again great, if not I wish you well on your journey.

    The Internet helps but it too has its limits. We shall see, I have two goodbyes coming up: one for Capetown and another for San Francisco.


    One response to “Goodbye South Africa”

    1. Dude, when you back in SF? Give me a ring….looks like your trip was awesome!!

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