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  • Settled in!

    Posted on August 27th, 2005 dabao No comments

    Finally settling in! Just got internet after a two week ordeal wrangling with the building management and Verizon about getting connected (Apparently Verizon knows how to connect phones from their CO to buildings but not buildings to rooms). Anyway, I am finally using my own secure internet connection whew!!!

    Deo my roommate is also settling in. He is finally getting over his malaria which he got in Rwanda (It was crazy, chills, fever, loss of appetite, terrible side effects of treatment). Anyway, I think he’s okay and will probably live . . . I guess there’s no understanding diseases until you actually get them eh Deo?

    Here’s a picture of Deo and his adopted parents who just came up from New York to see him:


    In other news, I finally found a decent Korean/Japanese restaurant yesterday called YAMA (means simply Mountain in Japanese – yea, I know).

    Got a study group that I am comfortable with coming over to study tonight. Studying and pizza, one of the highlights of my life . . .

    So in a word, I am feeling settled. Now if I can only catch up on studying in time for my quizzes on Monday . . . shit, time to cram!