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  • Taking another deep breath . . .

    Posted on September 4th, 2005 dabao No comments

    This labor day will mark three weeks since classes began. Time has passed quickly though, as I take account of what I have learned, much has happened in a very short time.

    These past weeks, I have made the transition from a pre-med, looking forward to med school with nervous anticipation and hopeful idealism, to a first year medical student living wholly in the present. Becoming a physician is both the most intense experience of my life yet full of everyday moments that are routine and uninteresting. To wit, I have never studied so seriously in my life yet there is still time to stare into space, look up the latest NBA freeagent news, talk on the phone . . .

    Life in Hanover is very simple. There are trees, trees and more trees as far as the eye can see. No view of the ocean, no big buildings, no crowds, no hustle and bustle. The air is clean, very clean and there are rivers and hiking trails all over the place. There is no smog, no dirty rivers or harbours, and not a lot of noise. There is a college town here that seems to be an extension of the college campus. It contains the Dartmouth bookstore, Gap, North Face, Molly’s diner, Mai Thai restaurant, a couple of banks and a small movie theatre. There is no mall here, no Blockbuster Video, no CostCo, no In N Out. There is a very efficient 2hr bus service to Boston, comfy seats, smooth driving, free gourmet pretzels and an in-drive movie. My routine: studying every day, sleeping-in on the weekends, partying every two weeks after the quiz and taking a trip to Boston every month to recover my sanity.

    I think I can live with that.

  • Fleeing in NO, Relaxing in NH

    Posted on September 4th, 2005 dabao No comments

    Thanks Phil for the link. Its amazing how life can be catastrophic in one part of the world while being normal and even mundane in another.