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  • Look mom, I’m gonna be a doctor!

    Posted on October 9th, 2005 dabao No comments

    Pictures from my white coat ceremony this past weekend where my classmates got to sit through talks about what great doctors we are going to be, hear about the huge need for more compassionate doctors, yada yada, it was nice to take lots of pictures with family and friends


    Trying the white coat on for the first time, the sleeves were a little big . . . :)


    Me with the Dean, nice smile eh?


    Me and my classmates! Whoo hoo, we’re gonna be doctors!

  • . . . might as well enjoy it

    Posted on October 9th, 2005 dabao No comments

    Wow, the weekend is almost over and I’ve been studying non stop. It makes life simple: study, sleep, study, sleep, occasionally eat and sometimes work out.

    As Deo tells me, in med school, since I will study harder than I have ever studied, become sleep deprived and go into lots of debt . . . I might as well enjoy it.

    And I have been. The people are great, the material is interesting and the workload, although at times overwhelming is really interesting. I have started seeing patients and taking histories and doing physicals in clinic. Its been really fun and I really feel this is the right path for me. That ultimately, is the best reward I could have.

    So for all the hard work, I am enjoying it.