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  • . . . might as well enjoy it

    Posted on October 9th, 2005 dabao No comments

    Wow, the weekend is almost over and I’ve been studying non stop. It makes life simple: study, sleep, study, sleep, occasionally eat and sometimes work out.

    As Deo tells me, in med school, since I will study harder than I have ever studied, become sleep deprived and go into lots of debt . . . I might as well enjoy it.

    And I have been. The people are great, the material is interesting and the workload, although at times overwhelming is really interesting. I have started seeing patients and taking histories and doing physicals in clinic. Its been really fun and I really feel this is the right path for me. That ultimately, is the best reward I could have.

    So for all the hard work, I am enjoying it.


    One response to “. . . might as well enjoy it”

    1. Yo . . is your white jacket too tight for you to write an email? =) . . . glad to see things are going well! remember . . studying cardiology . . i’m gonna need a heart cleaning in about 10 years!

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