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  • Buuuuuuu

    Posted on October 11th, 2005 dabao No comments

    Just failed my first quiz. Its a crappy feeling and pretty scary because I really felt like I knew the material fairly well although its obvious I did not. I really need to spend more time on this quiz next round.

    Man, I really gotta get back my groove like I did on the first two quizzes, more independent studying with Deo, less socializing and screwing around.

    That said, I will probably go to NYC this weekend. We get Friday off and I will be done with my bschool applications.

    Need to really clear my head, be in a big city, watch a movie in a real theater, eat ethnic foods, maybe go to a club. Based on my quiz scores, looks like I will be bringing some books too though. hahaha

    Man, this life balance in med school stuff is really no joke.