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  • Overeducated here I come!

    Posted on December 15th, 2005 dabao No comments

    Just found out that I have been accepted to the MD/MBA program here at Dartmouth. What this means is that I am now spending 5 not 4 years of my life in Hanover (whoo hoo) and I will be taking one year off from the MD in 2008 to do the MBA. Crazy you say? I wonder that myself sometimes . . . then I look at the avg graduating salaries of Tuck students and surgeons . . . I wonder if I can hold down two jobs at once . . . hmmmm doctor by day . . .

  • 10 hours until freedom

    Posted on December 15th, 2005 dabao No comments

    Its 10:50pm and I am in a hidden place on campus, studying immunology, hidden far far away from other med students and the distractions of this world.

    In 10 short hours I will be walking out of Kellogg having finished the first set of quizzes of this new term a FREE MAN!!! (well for two weeks that is)

    Then its a 6hr drive to New York and two weeks of VACATION BABY! :)