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  • My sick grandfather

    Posted on April 2nd, 2006 dabao No comments

    Last week, my grandfather got quite sick and we thought we were going to lose him. He appears stable now but apparently his lungs, heart and kidneys are failing and the transition back to home care is going to be tough. So here I am, thousands of miles away from him, with little or no knowledge of practical medicine feeling helpless. I have been thinking about taking a week off from med school to go visit him but keep going around in indecisive circles.

    First, my dad is over there, there is little to nothing I can do for my gramps besides giving him moral support if I go. Going for 1 week is not going to magically cure him.

    Second, he would not want me to miss a week of med school to see him if he is okay and being a week behind may put additional pressure on me this term.

    Third, I am going to China in June anyway, perhaps that is a better time I could go to visit him.

    I have wavered back and forth, but I am now leaning toward not going, staying here and focusing on my studies.

    But I have been back and forth about it all day.