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  • At the Office on a Sunday night . . .

    Posted on August 6th, 2006 dabao No comments

    At least I’m getting paid to be here.

    One thing I’ve realized this summer working and living by myself. I really miss being a kid. Yup, I look at the aspects of my character: I like people who mentor me, I like lounging around eating what I want, traveling where I want to, absorbing things, wide-eyed like a child. I don’t have a very long attention span at all. I like reading books and watching movies about a boy and his father, the good ones always make me cry . . . (btw, good book – Kite Runner, good movie – Together) yup, I am like the living embodiment of the Toys R Us line, “I don’t wanna grow up, I’m a TRU kid . . .”

    I guess there’s nothing wrong with that. In fact, I think this probably is the root of what makes me a good listener, good learner, polite, curious, always forward-looking. In fact, maybe that’s one of the reasons I like venture capital so much. We talk here at JNJ a lot about the “Future of Medicine” or future of healthcare where things like stem cells can cure diseases like diabetes or where we can prevent cavities by ADDING good oral bacteria to outcompete the bad. Just thinking about these things give me good bumps . . . like when I was a kid and used to imagine what it would be like to be like a comic book superhero

    Anyway, enough reminiscing . . . I have a very “grown up” deadline coming up!