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  • New horizons in Medicine

    Posted on March 28th, 2007 dabao No comments

    Amazing, I’m watching a Natural Orifice Endoscopic surgery, basically laparoscopic surgery where they basically cut a hole in the stomach and stick an endoscope through and perform surgeries like hysterectomies, peritoneal debridement, liver biopsies etc.

    Its amazing to watch medicine and surgery undergoing this major shift toward minimally invasive techniques (minimize scarring, infection, procedure time, anesthesia). I saw it in Neurosurgery with the advancement of ultrasound based spatial imaging with DBS placement and now in GI with basically supplanting laparoscopic surgery through the endoscope.

    I think we are entering an age where the line between surgeons and non-surgeons is becoming blurred. Surgery is becoming less and less invasive, and medicine becoming more and more invasive.

    Rich Rothstein here is even talking about breast implants through endoscopy! Imagine swallowing your breast implants!