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  • Transition Ceremony Pics!

    Posted on May 13th, 2007 dabao No comments

    Finally, done with the first two years of “sit-on-your-ass-all-day-and-listen-to-lectures” part of med school and onto the “never-get-to-sleep-but-at-least-I’m-in-the-hospital-doing-something” part of med school

    Here are some pics from our little mini celebration


    Dr. Pfefferkorn, one of our favorite profs telling us all about William Pickles who made a contribution to medical science by simply being an astute observant general practitioner in the British countryside


    Our teachers those luvable old white guys


    Departing Brownies, we’ll miss you guys!


    Hangin in Hanover after the ceremony


    Ako and Jane getting ready to chow down on sum Indian food (this is before the cheap bastards refused to give us the standard 10% student discount)


    Jared and Eugene, skeptical about the service at the Jewel (I mean) the Crap of India


    Everyone looking happy and smiley . . . except Abby who is spacing out as usual :)


    Rachel loves Florence . . . ewwww


    Getting some well deserved ice cream (and Champagne!) at the Hood Museum after the ceremony


    Abby, Jared and Jane starting a new modern dance troupe at Dartmouth . . . Pilobi-LUST

  • Freedom and Belonging

    Posted on May 13th, 2007 dabao No comments

    Just got back from a Sonny Rollins concert. Seriously, one of the best parts of being here are the $5 concerts with legends like this man.


    Its special. I want to be doing something I love at 77.

    Anyway, its amazing how good music can really help you let go of the day to day stresses and worries and remind you of the real good stuff. For me, it really comes down to freedom and belonging. Freedom, like walking along Ocean Beach from the bottom of the alphabet up toward the tip of Golden Gate park and going along PCH to the Sutro baths to watch the sunset. Belonging that feeling of camraderie of being out with the guys driving on the highway with the windows down on a cool summer day. Damn I love the ocean.

    Note to self: figure out how to get closer to the ocean! :)