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  • Medicine that makes you go “wow”

    Posted on November 21st, 2007 dabao No comments

    You know that feeling in life when you watch something so amazing, you get goose bumps? Like an artist painting an image, a musician playing a sad song. Today, I saw something truly beautiful in medicine.

    During our team meeting, my attending psychiatrist, Dr. C interviewed a patient. The patient, Fred was a small but intimidating guy who looked like his job as a logger suited him perfectly with the stocky build, coarse dark skin, dull grey eyes and a rugged black beard. The interview with Fred started pretty regularly, “how have you been sleeping? are you feeling safe?” but then Dr. C asked about what stopped him from hurting himself the last time, then asked about his family, his wife and child in California . . . After a few exchanges about his son, Fred paused for a minute and looked down. He looked choked up. “You got choked up for a minute there Fred, are you thinking about your son?” He nodded. “Do you miss him?” He nodded again. “You want to be a good father to him don’t you?” Now there were tears in the corners of Fred’s eyes. “I know how hard it is not to be with your son” Dr. C said. “I want you to know how much I appreciate your willingness to talk to us. Its not easy coming into a roomful of people and being able to show your emotions. Thank you Fred” And with that, the interview was over.

    And just like that, the interview was over. No more than 10 minutes had elapsed. Not a pill nor shot had been administered, nor a drop of blood taken for a test, and yet the entire room fell silent as Fred walked out of the door and back onto the unit. For Fred, the healing process had begun . . . and I was getting goosebumps . . .