30th Bday pics
Posted on March 30th, 2008 No commentsThank you to everyone who called, emailed and wished me a happy bday. I had a great time yesterday, sleeping in, going to Page, visiting Antelope Canyon (where they filmed Broken Arrow), hanging out on the beach at Lake Powell and eating a nice bday dinner (mexican fried tilapia with octopus and shrimp). No bday cake but Mark got me something even better – bday PIE!
Anyway, here are some pics from my bday. Thanks everyone!
Antelope Canyon, its really just a crack in the ground . . . but its actually pretty durn deep!30yo . . . but I don’t look one day over 20 do I? I got carded like 10 X in vegas!
Pretty pics of the canyon from inside
Wow, this canyon’s pretty deep!
Yet more pretty pics
Me and the pretty canyon
Its kinda purple colored without direct sunlight
This one looks like a tapestry . . . wow, I used a big word on my bday
They say there is a Navajo face somewhere in the canyon, is this it?
More prettiness
For some reason, this one reminds me of a birth canal
Yin and yang, with sunlight and without
Leaving the canyon
Lone Rock Beach, the water was cold . . . brrrrr
Me and Mark at Fiesta Mexicana after a nice bday dinner
Of course, what’s a birthday without some bday cake . . . I mean pie at the end?!
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