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  • Excited!

    Posted on June 2nd, 2008 dabao No comments

    Wow, its amazing, I just had dinner with my buddy Dan who is an MD/MBA and inventor of medical devices. Man, that stuff is so exciting. It makes me excited just thinking about doing that stuff. Anyway, hopefully I can work on that stuff when I get to Tuck . . . can’t wait, can’t wait, can’t wait

  • Good sushi place in Alameda

    Posted on June 2nd, 2008 dabao No comments

    Small homey sushi place in downtown Alameda. Literally run by a mom who’s the waitress and a pop who’s the sushi chef and seats 12 people in the whole place. Very good sashimi

    1428 Park St.
    Alameda, CA 94501
    510 865 7141