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  • Back in Medicine

    Posted on June 20th, 2009 dabao No comments

    Wow, been a while. Just finished up a medicine subinternship where they told me that I was “rusty” . . . hahaha, so much for trying to do both business and medicine eh?

    Still, it was pretty  to take care of patients again. The high points of seeing patients get better and go home to the lows of telling a patient he has cancer and has weeks to months to live.

    Ah medicine, its wonderful taking care of patients, but you’re usually too tired to give  a crap.

    The bad news is that I don’t think I did very well on my subinternship. The good news is I think I can safely rule out internal medicine as a specialty, hard to be passionate about a specialty where you are paid by your notes so you end up spending most of your time typing and making other people see your patients so they can type notes too.:)

    In all seriousness, the system is pretty broken, tests are too easy to order, thinking and teamwork are discouraged and the patients too often get care that they did not want or need and may be bad for them.

    On that lovely note, I’m back to business next week working for a consulting firm in Boston . . . more later

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