I love Summer!
Posted on July 19th, 2006 No commentsI am seeing blue skies and clouds right now (literally since I am on a plane ride home). This summer internship at JJDC has turned into exactly what I wanted and more. A chance to see some exciting projects in JNJ and learn about how big organizations work. But the thing that has pleasantly surprised me is how much I have learned about myself and addressed what I view as fundamental weaknesses and fears. For example, I have always been afraid of being spontaneous, being “on the spot” like having to answer questions with people watching or giving a speech in front of people, cold calling people I don’t know, interjecting my own opinions without thinking, in a sense speaking from the heart in a situation which I cannot control. My boss Brian seems to be the opposite. He is up front, straightforward, and lives to “speak from the heart” and probably wouldn’t have it any other way. Brian has shown me how to take chances by being the only one in a roomful of experts to speak up, ask an “ignorant” question, be confident, speak from the heart. Its really changing my perspective starting from how I perceive my role as a “lowly” intern in the company. In some ways, I am empowered as an intern by the fact that I have no employment riding on my time here at JNJ this summer. I can say whatever I want to whomever I want and the worst that can happen is I get scolded and I go back to med school. So whereas I have been timid about cold calling a bunch of people I don’t know and don’t have introductions to for a project I am doing at work, now I am more like . . . what do I care? Call as many people as I can before I leave this place. And why not? Life is too short to waste spending time thinking about things and thinking about things only to get all prepared and not say them. Life is too short to shy away from something because its too scary or its too much work. After all, what have I got to lose?
So while I am in this “positive override” mode (to shamelessly plagiarize malcolm gladwell), what are the reminders I want to give myself for when I am not in such a good mood?
Well, to begin with, this summer I don’t want to waste a moment. Work really hard at JNJ, really do a good job on the research project I have been given, do not be afraid of cold calling or knocking down doors of people (even very “important” ones to get the information I need). As long as it is relevant and I have done my homework, I will be ready and they will appreciate my work. Or they can disregard it, who cares?
Second, enjoy New York. Go to shows, go to museums, go to parties, don’t waste a moment. Third, be good to my body, eat right, sleep right and exercise as much as I can.
I think if I keep to these goals, I will really be maximizing my summer.What about med school? How do I optimize my second year?
Take advantage of the small tight-knit community at DMS. Shadow docs in as many fields as I have an interest in, get involved in events in the business school and college that I like and I am interested in, make an impact on the admissions committee (for instance by actively recruiting minority students and speaking my mind about candidates), do my best in courses but do not obsess about the last 1%, the last 30 minutes before a test, take care of my health.This is who I want to be and if I can just do these simple things, I will be a happy person like I am today.
The happiest part of my day today is that I feel comfortable in my own skin!One response to “I love Summer!”
whew! Seems like so much work you’ll do this summer though, your attitude makes me a positive thinker as well. Always fun to read your blog :) Gambatte!
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