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  • Great Day

    Posted on October 12th, 2008 dabao No comments

    I don’t know where this feeling came from or what its all about but I am feeling GREAT and want to capture it! Maybe it all started when I met Dr. Bob Arnot who is
    a TV Physician who does a lot of interesting reporting in the middle east and africa on humanitarian disasters and such. He’s also a war junkie who can’t
    wait for the bombs to start falling so he can get embedded with the troops. Anyway he had a simple piece of advice for me that he called the Biology of Success, “Design your day so that you build in things that make you happy”. He gave the example of going for a bike ride in the New England Fall and having a nice breakfast at Lou’s. After that, he says, my day is already a success and anything else that happens is just topping. Ever since I’ve been riding a growing wave of endorphins. I think what has made me happy the last couple of days have been talking to interesting people and learning a few pointers that made me think. Besides Dr. Bob, I’ve gotten to meet with Shumeet Banerji the CEO of Booz & Co who just came and Peter Volanakis the COO of Corning both of whom had some great business lessons. On top of that, the last couple of days I’ve been going to the gymn and working out then shooting hoops which I haven’t done in forever. It feels great to have a basketball in my hands. Finally, I had dinner with Jane and Dave at Yama’s, great food, good friends and ice cream. Its so good I’m not even thinking about the great board scores I got nor all the accounting homework that I haven’t done yet.

    Its like the little good things start feeling great, you feel thankful for everything and the bad things just fall off you. Its a mixture of excitement, joy
    contentment, adventure, freshness and joy. I am loving it!

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