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  • Gluttonous thoughts on T-day

    Posted on November 27th, 2009 dabao No comments

    Man, I ate too much  <burp>

    Seriously, I think I ate so much that I gave myself gastroesophageal reflux and couldn’t go back to sleep. Well, at least I’m not alone . . .

    It turns out that the average American consumes 4500 calories on Thanksgiving day. Just to put that into context, my basal metabolic rate is 2564 kcal per day so I probably consumed close to double my basal metabolic rate yesterday.

    Its crazy to think what kind of country we are in America where the day after stuffing yourself, most Americans will actually wake up early to line up to go shopping for Black Friday specials. Although I suppose you don’t even have to leave your living room anymore these days with all the internet shopping that is available.

    Behavior change is definitely tough. I wonder if my latest “get thin fast” scheme is going to work. This time, I am going to try portion control while on the interview trail (smaller portions more frequency throughout the day). Who knows how that will go? Likely it will go the way of my last 90 attempts.

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