The Best ____ are the Best people
Posted on June 3rd, 2010 No commentsWho knew one could learn something about being a good venture capitalist, healthcare delivery scientist, doctor, leader from former NBA player Chris Webber?
I was listening to the ESPN preview Lakers-Celtics game 1 (whoo hoo) and I heard Webber say “the best coaches are the best people” referring to Doc Rivers, coach of the Boston Celtics who believed in his team when they didn’t believe in themselves and has coached a #5 seed to the NBA finals against conventional wisdom.
This is so true about so many things related to leadership. Its about caring about the end state not promoting oneself that makes good leaders who they are. I have absolutely learned this from the key leaders I have had the pleasure of working with and the ones I gravitate towards are the ones who combine being a genuinely good person with a track record of effectiveness in the organizations they lead: Jim and Steve leading a University, Errik and Tillman running a biotech firm and others have all show amazing track record with being genuinely good people and its these people that I hope to be like someday.
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