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  • Taking a deep breath

    Posted on June 8th, 2005 dabao No comments

    Finally, I have a down day after some craziness. The weather here is really just like San Fran. It can be sunny and perfect one day and cold and wet the next. The people respond accordingly. Nice and cheery one day, sullen and cross the next. Tomorrow we have our first weekly meeting with the students and so far I think things are going great. There are really no problem kids in this group of twenty students this month. Even the quiet and reserved ones are starting to come around. I like to think that this has something to do with me being here and being available to them to help with problems, miscommunications, etc. For example, one student wanted to do an extra Emergency Med shift yesterday and although Marion had already spoken with her, I was able to supplement some background about the politics of the hospital we were dealing with and how we would try to get her the extra shift, but if it didn’t happen she shouldn’t be too disappointed.

    Apparently, something as simple as setting and resetting expectations for people can be a really useful thing. Translation: I like my job here

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