Moon Festival Party at DMS!
Posted on September 24th, 2005 No commentsSo life in med school is not all about studying . . . I have a life, I swear!
Dinner before the party. We made dumplings! Or should I say my classmates made dumplings and I . . . errr . . . supervised . . .
My friends/classmates at DMS. From Left to Right: Vasi, Jane, Khue, Naren and Vorapat, Henry, Abby, Michelle, Deo
we studied Anatomy afterwards . . . the superior mediastinum is bounded superiorly by the superior aperture, anteriorly by the sternum, posteriorly by vertebrae T1-T4 and inferiorly by the transverse plane from the angle of Louis to the intrathoracic space between T4-T5 . . . oh crap, does this mean I’m a nerd?
Fleeing in NO, Relaxing in NH
Posted on September 4th, 2005 No commentsThanks Phil for the link. Its amazing how life can be catastrophic in one part of the world while being normal and even mundane in another.
Happy Birthday Saya! :)
Posted on May 21st, 2005 No commentsAP nijyusan sai no tanjyoubi desuyo!
Some excellent independent artists in SF, SD
Posted on April 13th, 2005 No commentshttp://gohnakamura.com/
– My friend Aya’s brohttp://www.jturtlemusic.com/