Gene's Joint
my blog-
Posted on February 2nd, 2008 No commentsLakers got Pau Gasol for basically nothing aka Kwame Brown and Javaris Crittenton, yyyyyeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaa . . . the championship days are back!
Good restaurants in Boston
Posted on January 27th, 2008 No commentsHelmand Afghan food in Cambridge! Rack of Lamb was really really good, oh and the dipping bread was excellent as well.
Dali Restaurant and Tapas bar – not as good as Madrid but not bad and a good ambience for late night drinks
Super88, the best Asian food I’ve found in New England which is probably still worst than the crappy places in Cali. Go to the foodcourt in Allston for Korean, Japanese ramen, Indonesian, GREAT Taiwanese place, good Indian food
Taberna de Haro – a supposedly much more authentic tapas bar (I got it from a drug rep who lived in Brazil
999 Beacon St
Brookline, MA 02446-5609
Phone: (617) 277-8272Oleana – looks like a good mediterranean place
Tangierino – VERY good moroccan place in Charlestown, MA -
Billary and the politics of hope
Posted on January 27th, 2008 No commentsSo its official: Barack won South Carolina today. What’s interesting is a point that was brought up by Ian Lustick at the talk he gave here at Dartmouth last year entitled “Are we trapped in the War on Terror” in which I asked him if it was possible given the era of campaign finances and the American industrial-military complex he describes in his book for a candidate to win a presidency without “selling out” to special interests. He replied that in his view, it would not be possible. But yet this is exactly the choice that the Obama campaign claims Americans must make in this presidential campaign: the choice for change vs the “divisive politics of old”.
The British newspaper the Independent makes a very interesting analysis that by ceding South Carolina (in fact, Hillary was seldom there in the last week and Bill even gave the concession speech tonight while Hillary campaigned in Tennessee), the Clintons are taking a page out of the Republican playbook which Bill described when I heard him speak last month here at Dartmouth as “making the other guy look so ugly that people will have to vote for you” and “dividing people”. In essence, the article describes the Clinton’s political calculus that despite the importance of subsegments of the Democratic party: blacks, hispanics, women, they know that the majority of Democrats are still white and that by catering to blacks and being rejected by them, they can actually galvanize the white democratic base as well as hispanics into shifting away from Barack even while blacks flock to him. Indeed, early polling by MSNBC in the states with lots of hispanic voters show Hillary favored 4 to 1 and looking at exit polling only 25% of whites supported obama compared to 36% for hillary and 40% for edwards. With Edwards likely fading out of the race, I’d be willing to bet that most of that 40% votes for Hillary with Edwards out of the mix.
In contrary to my article about picking Bill Clinton, I am thinking now that it was probably a good thing I didn’t cast my vote the next day . . . he sure is one persuasive (and calculating) fella!
Team Noah
Posted on January 12th, 2008 No commentsI have a friend and classmate who is fighting Burkitt’s lymphoma a rare but deadly cancer of the lymph nodes. We all got bracelets and donated as a class in Noah’s name to the Leukemia and Lymphoma society. Go Noah! Just wanted to share the website to anyone who might be interested in donating or reading about his story
Wanna be like Bill . . .
Posted on January 7th, 2008 No commentsNo matter how hard he tries, Barack will never be like Bill
I just came back from a rally for Hillary that Bill Clinton did in the Dartmouth gymn. I did not get in (not at first anyway). Apparently due to some building fire code snafu, myself and another half or so of the 200+ people standing in line for half an hour in the cold to hear Clinton speak were not let in. Not only did Bill Clinton’s staff continue to let people in as the original 100 left but also arranged for Bill to speak at a separate session at the Thayer dining hall for the people who did not get in at all. This is in contrast to both the rally I attended with Barack Obama (more flashy complete with Dartmouth acapella but short and without such concessions to include the motivated but unpunctual) and the talk on healthcare that I heard from Hillary Clinton herself when she came to DHMC (invite only without so much as a hello to those without an invitation who had to watch a closed circuit broadcast in a separate conference room). As I remember from watching him on TV and reading about him in the newspaper he was eloquent, friendly and brilliant.
Among the other things I learned are that economies with renewable energy are actually doing well Denmark along with 5 other countries that have met the Kyoto protocols. He argues that going green will not only help the planet but will be the most effective investment in jobs and industry creation that we could make as a nation. For example, we could reopen a mill in Berlin, NH making biofuels. Another interesting idea is that electric/hybrid cars may be the best intermediate green solution while we develop a hydrogen option. On international development, Bill Clinton pointed out that the world population is rising from today 6.5 billion to 9 billion in the next generation which will further the impending energy crisis and that educating the world’s poor girls especially will reap dividends in the decreasing birth rate, increasing rate of contraception, delaying the age at which young girls marry etc.
On healthcare, Bill pointed out that the most effective healthcare systems in terms of outcomes are actually places like Japan, a mixed payor system rather than Canada which is a single payor system. He believes that healthcare reform has the backing of a majority of major corporations, physicians, labor unions as well as the public and that it has a reasonable chance of being passed because of this aligning of the stars.
On politics, Bill showed off again his uncanny ability to simplify, summarize and frame the issue: the Karl Rove game plan is to divide and paint the other guy as so ugly that no one will vote for him and that for the Democrats to win, it will have to unite the people whereas for the Republicans to win all it has to do is to divide the people.
Also, that Barack’s platform of running as a candidate with 1 year of experience in the senate (which is a weakness spin-doctored into a strength which he calls “change”) and a candidate with “good judgement” having supposedly been against Iraq from the start but who said in 2004 that he “agrees with the Bush position on Iraq”
(I couldn’t find the exact quote but there is a good article from the Boston Globe analyzing his voting record on Iraq:
)To the claim that Hillary is old news, Bill argues that Hillary is endorsed by the greatest number of both Republican and Democratic senators (10) and commands a great deal of respect in the Senate. He also used an effective anecdote that Magic Johnson said that the older he got, the less his vertical became and the slower he got but that he got better taking the pressure shots and that he believes the same is true in politics.
To the claim that the Clintons are a dynasty, Bill shared an anecdote that he actually tried to convince Hillary to leave him just after law school because he thought she was such a capable person and politician and didn’t want to hold her back to which she replied “I won’t ever run for political office, I’m interested in a bunch of other things”
And as always, he added a personal touch, something only he can do with that signature lowering and softening of his voice, somber glint of the eye conveying sincerity, genuineness and warmth. He told a story of a golf caddie he had who took him by the arm during a round of golf and told him that he was really not a caddie but the Captain of a NY regional fire department and that Hillary must win because of what she had done for all of the firefighters of NY. These brave men and women had breathed in the asbestos and benzenes produced by the demolished buildings and even as the federal government refused to pay for medical bills, even sending the EPA in to declare that this would not cause any health problems, Hillary as Senator proposed and passed legislation that ensured that these firefighters who subsequently developed health problems would have their hospital bills paid for. As he finished the story and described the tears streaming down his face, you could almost see his eyes glisten and hear his voice crack.
I think I’ve made up my mind . . . I’m voting for Bill Clinton for President
Belated Santorini pics
Posted on January 3rd, 2008 No commentsThis is an amazing picture that Jane took from the top of our hotel in Santorini? Amazing huh?
Sweet pic from the top of the Acropolis (again, taken by Jane)
Xmas pictures!
Posted on December 26th, 2007 No commentsMom doing what she does best . . . mother
Mom’s famous lion’s head meatballs . . . mmmmm . . . I think I ate about 15 of em
Mom, Dad, bro and the new addition: Poki Hsu! :)
Mom and Poki: hey get back here and put on this hat
Sit still Poki!
“I said look at the camera dog!”
Cheers Mom and Dad!
Ulys and me trying to double team Poki into a good shot
Ulys and Kate, aren’t they cute?
The Hsu men
Merry Xmas everyone!
Posted on December 26th, 2007 No commentsIn SF with my parents, my brother, his gfriend Kate and Poki (my bro’s mini schnauser). Hope everyone is well and have a safe and wonderful Xmas
Suggestibility in medicine
Posted on December 16th, 2007 No commentsMy current OB Gyn attending Dr A is probably one of the best physicians I have ever worked with, knowledgeable, professional, efficient, caring, funny. He’s one of those people you see doing something you aspire to do that you wonder if you could ever live up to. However, I observed something very interesting today. Despite the best intentions, physicians are constrained by the rules of economics. The scenario was as follows:
A 50yo patient came in with a few months of perimenopausal bleeding and a family history of cervical cancer which was clearly her first priority. In the process of eliciting a more detailed history of present illness, my attending actually asked several questions about her urination, whether she wets herself, how frequent etc. He then proceeded to perform a physical exam and take a endometrial biopsy (which involves scraping the inside of the uterus for a sample to test for cancer). In his physical exam, he discovered that she had vaginal wall weakness and urethral prolapse (where one’s urethral ligaments are stretched or broken by prior childbirths and cause urinary incontinence). Despite her repeated questions about the biopsy, risk for cancer, etc, he kept redirecting the discussion toward a procedure called apogee/perigee/monarc which is a surgery to repair the walls of the vagina to prevent prolapse. What was interesting was to see my attending talk like a mechanic who examines your car for a routine maintenance and then tells you about the sale they are having on Michelin tires and how you really should think about changing your tires.
My attending was very up front about this saying that “my practice has been built around helping women with these problems” and “most women we do this procedure for say that it changed their lives” and “think about it, if you want I can have to talk to several of my patients who have had the procedure, they will attest to its success”. It was as if he was creating demand for a procedure to treat a symptom that was never the patient’s primary concern.
This brings up the question of suggestibility in medicine. Unlike the mechanic’s customers, most patients trust their physicians to be objective yet from a business model standpoint, physicians make their money similarly to mechanics and are subject to the same financial constraints. The line between mechanic and physician is very fine and easily traversed if one is not careful.
Reflecting on critical care
Posted on December 7th, 2007 No commentsI was just reading an article in the New Yorker about Critical Care and found myself very excited by it. In fact, I would say that the experience of having a patient who I saw one month earlier with multiple organ failure wake up, talk and walk out of the hospital may be one of the most satisfying experiences I have ever had. Knowing that you saved someone’s life . . .
In fact, the prospect of working in the ICU really excites me most about medicine . . . unfortunately the training is another year.